lundi 12 octobre 2009

Ah, ah trop vrai.. (tiré de

You know you’ve been in Sweden too long, when...

  1. It's acceptable to eat lunch at 11.00.
  2. You rummage through your plastic bag collection to see which ones you should keep to take to the store and which can be sacrificed to garbage.
  3. The first thing you do on entering a bank/post office/pharmacy etc. is look for the queue number machine.
  4. A sharp intake of breath has become part of your vocabulary, as has the sound 'ahh'.
  5. You associate Friday afternoon with a trip to system bolaget.
  6. Silence is fun.
  7. Your front door step is beginning to resemble a shoe shop.
  8. It no longer seems excessive to spend $200 on alcohol in a single night.
  9. Your old habit of being "fashionably late" is no longer acceptable. You are always on time.
  10. You are no longer scared of volvos and volvo drivers.
  11. You enjoy the taste of surströmming.
  12. An outside temperature of 9 degrees Celsius is mild.
  13. You wear sandals with socks.
  14. You think riding a racing bike in the snow is a perfectly sensible thing to do.
  15. You think it's more fun to stay at home and drink then go out.
  16. You wear warm clothing when it's 25 degrees plus in April - because it's April.
  17. You wear shorts and t-shirt when it's barely 10 degrees in July - because it's July.
  18. You get extremely annoyed when the bus is two minutes late.
  19. You think women are more than equal than men and deserve to have better positions in the work place.
  20. You become a punctuality freak and dump your friends for being late more than once.
  21. You've been engaged for four years and don't have any plans to get married.
  22. You think that if you smoke a joint you will wind up in an insane asylum. [or become a habitual criminal]
  23. You wear a dress or skirt over your trousers and combine them with training shoes. [this is especially problematic if you're male]
  24. You think black rimmed glasses are cool.
  25. You don't question the concept of 'telephone time'.
  26. Paying $5 for a cup of coffee seems reasonable.
  27. You understand that when a colleague asks you out for "a drink," it will probably be a long night with a severe hangover the next day.
  28. You start to think that having a sauna in the nude with a bunch of strangers is a necessary part of daily life ... and a necessary part of business.
  29. You get offended if, at a dinner party, someone fails to look you in the eyes after raising their glass for a toast.
  30. You become extremely skilled at assembling pre-packaged furniture kits.

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